Can I Install an Air Ionizer in a Dusty Environment? - A Guide for Cleaner Air

Air ionizers are a popular choice for cleaning the air and removing allergens, dust, and other pollutants. Unlike HEPA air purifiers, air ionizers don't use fibers to trap contaminants and generally don't use filters. Studies have shown that furnace ionizers installed as part of an air conditioning system and air purifiers located in shared building spaces can help eliminate viruses and pollutants from the air, including mold, bacteria, and allergens. Air purifiers with ionizers are generally safe because ionizers don't have enough energy to be harmful to the body. When an HVAC ionizer is installed in your HVAC system, it produces ions that are injected into the stream.

I personally purchased and installed IWAVE ionizer systems for my top and bottom air conditioning systems. When buying an air purifier with an ionizer, remember to look for units that produce a crown-shaped discharge as these are designed to sterilize the particles or air moving through the ionization section. To prevent second and third hand smoke from entering the room, it is recommended to keep the ionizer on for 30 to 40 minutes when no one is in the room and then turn it off before anyone comes in. These ionizers are on for 8 hours every day, and I have a Therapure TPP300D with UV+ ionizer that's on for 8 hours in my living room. First, make sure that the ionizer is generating an ionization field and not a corona discharge.

In addition to air purifiers and air purifiers with ionizers, ionization is used in several applications, including laser printers, powder spray guns, and disinfectant sprayers. Air ionizers are designed to help provide cleaner air by using ionized particles.

Quentin Thronson
Quentin Thronson

Unapologetic zombie nerd. Avid twitter maven. General food advocate. Unapologetic beer fan. Tv trailblazer. Incurable tv junkie.

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